Thursday, March 12, 2009

How to Say "UP YOURS" to the Recession

Everywhere you look its recession this, recession that, this company is going out of business, that company is laying people off, unemployment statistics are climbing, and the list goes on.

The media is really good at promoting the recession, aren't they? Now...I'm not saying at all that things aren't bad in our country. They are! doesn't at all mean that YOU personally have to be dramatically impacted by it. In fact...during this trying time, and ALL trying times, there are many people who are able to create significant wealth as a result of taking ACTION.

Do yourself a favor and don't become a statistic during this or any recessionary period by doing some of this:

  1. Work harder than anyone/everyone else. Tough times are no time for laying back. The only way out of any slow period is to "produce" your way out of it.
  2. Don't let opportunity pass you by. Right now, there are more people seeking out opportunity than ever before as a result of downsizing and layoffs. These people are waiting to hear from someone who can help them. Let it be you!
  3. Recruit UP. Professionals in specific categories are hurting more than ever before as well. These people have the talent you are looking for...and the NEED to take action. Go after realtors and mortgage people NOW!
  4. Be VERY Consistent. I am going to reiterate a point I made earlier about working HARDER than anyone else. This is no time to be flaky. This is the time to be "ON the gas" and STAY on the gas. Put your pedal to the metal and stay there.
  5. Be the LEADER of the pack. Now is also the time for you to STEP UP and start inspiring. In trying times, people need someone who is positive, upbeat, and doesn't allow circumstances to get them down. BE that person now and lead these people through to the other side.
  6. SMILE more. The more you smile and the more you stay positive will do nothing but GOOD for your business. Trust me. It works.
  7. Surround yourself with Positivity! This is NOT the time to be hanging around with a bunch of negative people. Create a support group around you of positive doers and spend your time with them. It rubs off.

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