Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Best Gift to Give Yourself and Others by Jim Rohn

I’m often asked the question, "How can I best help my children, spouse, family member, staff member, friend, etc., improve/change?" In fact, that might be the most frequently asked question I receive, "How can I help change someone else?"
My answer often comes as a surprise and here it is. The key to helping others is to help yourself first. In other words, the best contribution I can make to someone else is my own personal development. If I become 10 times wiser, 10 times stronger, think of what that will do for my adventure as a father... as a grandfather... as a business colleague.
The best gift I can give to you, really, is my ongoing personal development. Getting better, getting stronger, becoming wiser. I think parents should pick this valuable philosophy up. If the parents are okay, the kids have an excellent chance of being okay. Work on your personal development as parents—that’s the best gift you can give to your children.
If you have ever ridden in an airplane, then you might have noticed the oxygen compartment located above every seat. There are explicit instructions that say, "In case of an emergency, first secure your own oxygen mask and then if you have children with you secure their masks." Take care of yourself first... then assist your children. If we use that same philosophy throughout our whole parental life, it would be so valuable.
If I learn to create happiness for myself, my children now have an excellent chance to be happy. If I create a unique lifestyle for myself and my spouse, that will be a great example to serve my children.
Self-development enables you to serve, to be more valuable to those around you; for your child... your business... your colleague... your community... your church.
That’s why I teach development skills. If you keep refining all the parts of your character (yourself, your health, etc.) so that you become an attractive person to the marketplace, you’ll attract opportunity. Opportunity will then begin to seek you out. Your reputation will begin to precede you and people will want to do business with you. All of that possibility is created by working on the philosophy that success is something you attract by continually working on your own personal development.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

3 Things to A Better Attitude

You know this is true...3 simple things to do to change your attitude and outlook on life!

I am extremely leery of any quick fix solution or overnight formula for success. In my opinion, they just don't exist. With that said, the following formula is one that I have shared with close friends and members of my family to encourage them to break through the rut they have been in and begin to experience success. Therefore, if I would share it with my family and close friends, I must believe in the principles. I suggested they begin to regularly do these three things:

1. Friends/Acquaintances: Surround themselves with positive people who believe this life is not all that there is. Even though this message goes out all over the world I know people don't all share the same faith in all cases. This message is not about my faith or your faith, it is about finding a group of of positive people and have a belief that there is more to life than what we can actually see...and I feel this is the the first step to a positive outlook on life!

2. Personal Fitness/Exercise: Yes, exercise weekly in order to stimulate endorphins and maintain an energetic life. Let's face it walking to the kitchen or curling 12 ounces does not count as exercise. It's easier than one would think; running 1 mile a couple of times a week and maybe 2-3 days a week of strength training. This is not difficult, but it does make a major difference in attitude.

3. Education/Reading: Educate through reading. Did you know the average CEO or business leader reads 4-5 books per month?  Did you know the average American reads 1 BOOK per year and 60% don't get past the first chapter?  Alarming to say the least!  Make a promise to yourself to read at least 1 book per month, whether it's 20-30 minutes a day in the morning or before you go to bed, just read anything because it does make a difference in your brain building and brain strengthening!

Regardless of what you decide to read, develop a passion for reading and learning, and you will see your attitude and outlook on life begin to change for the better. Any person who faithfully invested their time in these areas may not break world records in levels of success. However, everything in me believes they would see dramatic improvements and because I believe in these 3 things so much, I encourage my family to invest their time in these areas...DO IT, IT CAN'T HURT!