Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What do Successful People DO that others DO Not?

Received this from some Todd Falcone training, figured it would be great to post and let everyone see it as it is real good stuff!

  1. They get SERIOUS and make a REAL COMMITMENT. They don't flake. They never ever treat it like a hobby. They never dabble. They roll up their sleeves and GO.
  2. They DO what they SAY. In other words, there is TOTAL congruence between what they SAY they want and what they actual DO to GET what they want!
  3. They NEVER make EXCUSES. Successful people don't blame their sponsor, their team, their company, comp plan or anything else. Successful people realize that "if it is to be, it is up to me."
  4. They work harder and more efficiently than anyone else around them. Anything worthwhile is going to take work. The great news is that we all have to work hard in life, and we can all learn to work more efficiently in what we do. How are you spending the 24 hours a day that God gives you?
  5. They are ALWAYS willing to invest in the most important asset in their life...themselves. I hope you really get this point. Oftentimes people will say, "I just can't afford it." If you have ever found yourself saying that phrase, my question to you personally is this: "How else and where else in your business life is that showing up if that is your immediate and general reaction?" I can tell you there have been many times in my personal life where I knew I couldn't really afford something...at least in my rational mind, but because I KNEW that I needed to LEARN, I was willing to take that short-term risk for the long-term gain...and it has ALWAYS paid off. I get it. Trust me...I get it. However, if you KNOW you are not producing the kind of results you want to produce and you find yourself spinning your wheels, it's time to stop. How long do you want to stay in that position? It can change at anytime, but you've got to be willing to commit...which goes right back to the first point I made in this training.
  6. They take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for their actions. No blame game. They completely understand that unless they PERSONALLY do something to create change, change never occurs.
  7. They never, ever stop....in spite of any challenge, set back, roadblock or obstacle. They simply keep on "chugging away", as Donald Trump so wisely stated when he was nearly $900,000,000 in debt a few years ago! Don't ever stop. Never!
  8. They force themselves to do what is uncomfortable. Average producers do what feels comfortable to them. BIG producers constantly force themselves outside of their comfort zones, even if ever so slightly...and they do it daily. If you simply begin to stretch yourself to do things that are a bit uncomfortable, that which WAS uncomfortable now seems easy and quite comfortable.

1 comment:

  1. well i got half of that list down, makes sense on how im half successful. great read coach, ill make sure to follow more of your posts
