Saturday, August 1, 2009

Just The Facts - Frankly, I Don't Give A Damn

The smartest guy I've ever known once told me something so profound I've never forgotten it “Frankly My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn”... and it's shaped my career over many years.

He was a gruff old guy named Ken and Ken had a law degree but never chose to practice law. Instead, he made a ton of money rescuing nearly broke car dealers from certain bankruptcy. He was a turnaround specialist long before I ever heard that term associated with corporate America.

Ken had the ability to look at a problem... no matter how complex... and almost immediately cut through the noise and identify the simplest solution.

Here's what Ken told me..."There is no one deal that will ever make you or break you. Never spend one moment in the middle of a presentation worrying about whether or not the person in front of you is going to say yes or no. Your job is to present the facts. The decision is all theirs."

Your commitment is to the process... never become emotionally attached to the outcome.

Some people call it posture but it's much more than that. It's the supremely confident belief that what you're offering the prospect is infinitely more valuable than what you're asking them to give up in exchange. It's not something you conjure up... it's something you walk and talk every day.

When I sit down with a prospect I KNOW that what I have to offer is nothing short of absolute freedom. Either the light comes on for them as they learn the facts or it doesn't. Either way is truly okay with me... I can't force or beg people to make money.

The only thing you can be responsible for is making sure they have enough information to make a decision for the right reasons. You don't want them to say no for the wrong reason and you sure don't want them to say yes for the wrong reason... that's worse than getting a no in the first place.

But for that process to work effectively you have to convey the truth...that your only interest at that moment is making sure they get the facts.

I've said this to prospects many times..."Joe, my only obligation or responsibility here is to make sure you get enough facts about this business to make the decision that's right for you. Don't think for one moment that I'm going to miss any meals if you say no...and I'm not going to get rich today if you say yes. Joe, my point is this...there's not going to be any pressure to do anything. The final decision is yours to make. I'll respect that no matter what and we'll both be happy when it's done."

Now, if you said something like that with complete honesty... to your prospects before every presentation do you think they'd pay closer attention? Do you think they'd see you as coming from a position of strength or a position of weakness? Do you think if they paid closer attention they might see something they otherwise might have missed because their defenses were up? Do you think that would result in more product sales or sign-ups?

I'll leave you to answer those questions for yourself because... you see... my only obligation or responsibility here is to make sure you get the facts... your answers are your own... I'll be happy either way.

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