Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Smile - You Just Never Know

Are you always smiling? Are you always in a good mood? If not, why not? Be happy, feel happy and let others know you are happy just by being you! Let's face it the way you present yourself represents you and the way you are viewed by others, people’s impressions are formed by their views; who wants it to be a negative impression? Realize that every day brings you a new opportunity and you should be thankful for it, as you never know when you will come across someone that may present you with a great situation, business deal and/or etc.

Furthermore, people want to be around those that make them feel good and if you feel good and are happy, believe me, others will feel good and be happy. In other words, feeling good and being happy is "contagious" and it just makes for a better overall day!

Therefore, wake up and set the stage for your AWESOME day every day by telling yourself; "I believe this is going to be a wonderful day. I believe I can successfully handle all problems that will arise today. I feel good physically, mentally, emotionally, it is wonderful to be alive. I am grateful for all that I have had, for all that I now have and for all that I shall have. Things are not going to fall apart. God is here and he is with me and he will see me through. I thank god for every good thing!"


There's an old saying that "first impressions stick," which simply means that the impression you make on a person when you first meet them will stay with them for a long time and it is hard to change. So when you first meet a person you only have one chance to make an impression. If you make a great impression, you can have a fan and advocate for life.

On the flip side, imagine if you will; you are making a telephone call and because things aren't or didn't go your way earlier in the day you come across as all “bummed” out and a little depressed, who is going to want to talk with you let alone possibly buy something from you. Wouldn’t it be better to make that call with a smile on your face, feeling good about yourself and being happy? Folks, your attitude or lack thereof WILL carry through that telephone line to the other person!

That's why the first 60 days after obtaining a new customer or client is so critical. You have a small window of time and after 60 days your client has already formed a lasting opinion of you that's hard to overcome. So they better have a good opinion of you because if they don't, it will be hard to change as time goes on and if for some reason if they have a not so “good” first impression it can be changed, if done properly!

With that being said, the good news is that you can proactively do a few things that will make such a deep positive impression on your new customers or clients that they not only will never forget you, but they will want to help you grow your business by bragging about you to their friends and business associates.

Knowing this, I came across a program I call the "Drive and Hammer" Referral Program. The "Drive and Hammer" Referral Program is designed to make such a positive impression on your new client or customer that they will happily and willingly give you high quality referrals when asked and for that matter without being asked.

CONTACT ME NOW for more on the "Drive and Hammer" Referral Program!

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